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Hvac Technician Salary In California Hvac Tech Salary Ky

As an HVAC technician, it's important to know what you're worth. That's why we've compiled a list of average salaries for HVAC techs in every state. Keep reading to find out what you could be making! First up, let's talk about Alabama. If you're an HVAC technician in this state, you can expect to make around $44,000 per year. That's not too shabby, but let's see what other states have to offer. In Alaska, HVAC technicians make a whopping $64,000 per year on average. That's a huge difference from Alabama! But keep in mind that the cost of living in Alaska is also much higher than it is in Alabama. If you live in Arizona, you can expect to make around $50,000 per year as an HVAC technician. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. Moving on to Arkansas, HVAC technicians there make an average of $43,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than Alabama, but it's still a decent salary. In California, HVAC technicians make an average of $54,000 per year. That might seem low considering the high cost of living in this state, but it's still a decent wage. In Colorado, HVAC technicians make around $47,000 per year on average. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. Connecticut is next on our list, and HVAC technicians there make an average of $55,000 per year. That's one of the higher salaries on our list so far! Moving on to Delaware, HVAC technicians make an average of $51,000 per year. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Florida, HVAC technicians make an average of $44,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. Georgia is next on our list, and HVAC technicians there make an average of $45,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's not the highest on our list. In Hawaii, HVAC technicians make an average of $55,000 per year. That's a decent wage, but keep in mind that the cost of living in Hawaii is also much higher than it is in most other states. In Idaho, HVAC technicians make an average of $45,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Illinois, HVAC technicians make around $49,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Indiana, HVAC technicians make an average of $44,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In Iowa, HVAC technicians make an average of $46,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Kansas, HVAC technicians make around $44,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Kentucky, HVAC technicians make an average of $43,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than Alabama and Arkansas, but it's still a decent salary. In Louisiana, HVAC technicians make an average of $44,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In Maine, HVAC technicians make around $44,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Maryland, HVAC technicians make an average of $57,000 per year. That's one of the higher salaries on our list! In Massachusetts, HVAC technicians make around $56,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Michigan, HVAC technicians make an average of $47,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Minnesota, HVAC technicians make around $51,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Mississippi, HVAC technicians make an average of $42,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In Missouri, HVAC technicians make around $45,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Montana, HVAC technicians make an average of $49,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Nebraska, HVAC technicians make around $44,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Nevada, HVAC technicians make an average of $49,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In New Hampshire, HVAC technicians make around $48,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In New Jersey, HVAC technicians make an average of $59,000 per year. That's one of the higher salaries on our list! In New Mexico, HVAC technicians make around $44,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In New York, HVAC technicians make an average of $58,000 per year. That's one of the higher salaries on our list! In North Carolina, HVAC technicians make around $46,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In North Dakota, HVAC technicians make an average of $49,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Ohio, HVAC technicians make around $46,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Oklahoma, HVAC technicians make an average of $42,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In Oregon, HVAC technicians make around $50,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Pennsylvania, HVAC technicians make an average of $51,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Rhode Island, HVAC technicians make around $53,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In South Carolina, HVAC technicians make an average of $43,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In South Dakota, HVAC technicians make around $44,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Tennessee, HVAC technicians make an average of $43,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than Alabama and Arkansas, but it's still a decent salary. In Texas, HVAC technicians make around $47,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Utah, HVAC technicians make an average of $45,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than Alabama and Arkansas, but it's still a decent salary. In Vermont, HVAC technicians make around $46,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In Virginia, HVAC technicians make an average of $48,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. In Washington, HVAC technicians make around $55,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. In West Virginia, HVAC technicians make an average of $39,000 per year. That's just a bit lower than what techs make in Alabama and Arkansas. In Wisconsin, HVAC technicians make around $48,000 per year on average. That's a decent wage, but it's not the highest on our list. And finally, in Wyoming, HVAC technicians make an average of $54,000 per year. That's a decent salary, but it's still lower than what techs make in some other states. So there you have it! As an HVAC technician, there are many factors to consider when determining your worth. But with this state-by-state guide, you can get a general idea of what you should be making. Remember, these are just averages, so if you have special skills or experience, you may be able to negotiate a higher salary. Good luck!

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