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Honeywell Technician Near Me Honeywell Workers Balloted Over Closure Of Pension Scheme

Hey there folks! Today we've got some juicy news for you, straight from the world of business. Honeywell workers are being balloted over the closure of their pension scheme. That's right, it's time to put your voting hats on and make your voices heard!

First up, we've got this lovely image of some Honeywell workers hard at work:

Honeywell workers

Don't they look just thrilled to be there? Honestly, who wouldn't want to work for a company that's cutting their pension scheme? Retirement is overrated anyway, am I right?

Next up, we've got this gem from Honeywell Process Solutions:


Wow, just look at that industrial machinery. We bet those Honeywell workers are having a blast operating all that equipment. Who needs job security or benefits when you can have the joy of working with heavy machinery every day?

But don't worry, folks, Honeywell is still hiring!

Honeywell job posting

That's right, if you're a technician who likes installation, Honeywell has got you covered. Sure, you might not have a pension or any kind of future stability, but at least you'll have a paycheck for a little while, right?

And finally, we've got this stunning image of Honeywell's headquarters:

Honeywell headquarters

Just look at that sleek, modern architecture. It screams "we're a successful and stable company that cares about its employees." Or maybe it just screams "we care about looking expensive and impressive, even if we're screwing over our workers." Who knows?

Anyway, that's our report on Honeywell for today. Keep on voting, folks, and remember: stability and security are for boring people with no sense of adventure or risk-taking. Who needs a pension when you can live fast and die young?

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